1- tehran university
Abstract: (4080 Views)
Fuild models as one of the precise techniques for gas discharge modelling require swarm parameters. In this paper the continuty equations for electron transport and energy transport to calculate these parameters via electron energy distribution funaction (EEDF) resulted from two-terms approximation of boltzmann equation, are developed. The simualtion and calculation results containing mobility and diffusion cefficient, mobility and energy diffusion coefficient, Townsend coefficient, rate coefficient, consumed power (including elastic and inelastic power loss, the requied power for growth of electrons) for different types of gases (including argon, nitrogen, oxygen, SF6 and air) are presented and evaluated. Also accuracy of some common approximations e.g. assupmtion a Maxwellian EEDF are studied.
Received: 2011/03/21 | Accepted: 2013/03/18 | Published: 2013/12/10