1- University of Kashan
2- Tarbiat Modares University
Abstract: (3450 Views)
Static verification and software testing are not able to verify software single-handedly. Therefore, another approach called run-time verification dealing with verifying software behavior against constraints at run-time received attention. However, the run-time verification faces the problem of verification of run-time activities against the constraints are specified in high-level and abstractly because their natures are different from each other. Focused on reactive software, in three steps this paper presents an approach called SRG to generate run-time verification rules in terms of run-time activities from abstract specification and constraints of problem. The approach: (1) presents a visual and reactive model of problem specification and then generates ground rules of run-time behavior of software in real-time logic, (2) specifies in real-time logic the constraints should be met by software at run-time, and (3) generates verification rules from the constraints and the ground rules. Last of all, the SRG approach is applied to message communication protocol.
Received: 2010/11/9 | Accepted: 2010/11/9 | Published: 2010/11/9