Volume 16, Issue 1 (2016)                   MJEE 2016, 16(1): 20-26 | Back to browse issues page

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Asemani M H, Vatankhah R, Taghvaei S. A New Design Method for TS Fuzzy Static Output Feedback Control of the Glucose/Insulin Model with Time-Delay. MJEE 2016; 16 (1) :20-26
URL: http://mjee.modares.ac.ir/article-17-6316-en.html
1- assistant professor of Electrical Engineering with School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Shiraz University, Zand St., Shiraz, Iran
2- assistant professors of Mechanical engineering with School of Mechanical Engineering, Molasadra St., Shiraz, Iran
Abstract:   (4853 Views)
High blood glucose levels in the body named diabetes can increase damage in kidneys, eyes, heart and etc. In this investigation, a novel TS fuzzy static output feedback control structure is proposed to regulate the blood glucose level in the pre-defined desired values for type 1 diabetes using exogenous intra-venous insulin delivery rate. To this end, a nonlinear delay differential equation framework is considered to model the blood glucose/insulin endocrine metabolic regulatory system. The governing equations of the blood glucose/insulin model are approximated by a TS fuzzy model and then the proposed static output feedback controller is designed for this TS model.
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Received: 2017/01/30 | Accepted: 2016/03/1 | Published: 2017/04/23

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