Volume 16, Issue 2 (2016)                   MJEE 2016, 16(2): 24-31 | Back to browse issues page

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Montazeri A, Alavi F. Price-Based Resource Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks via Game Theory with Imperfect Spectrum Sensing. MJEE 2016; 16 (2) :24-31
URL: http://mjee.modares.ac.ir/article-17-11116-en.html
1- Ph.D in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Research fellow at Iran Telecommunication research Center, Tehran, Iran,
2- Ph.D student, Department of Electronics, The University of York, York, United Kingdom,
Abstract:   (5029 Views)
In this paper, we consider a price-based resource allocation within an Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) based on spectrum sensing in the cognitive networks. Furthermore, there is the primary network which has an opportunity to sell the spectrum to secondary network. We assume the secondary network’s interference pricing is used to
protect primary network and propose a joint utility maximization of the primary and secondary with a maximum interference constraint at the primary and a transmission power threshold at the secondary transmitter. Accordingly, we devise a novel cost computation strategy which is function of primary and secondary behaviors. To formulate this method, a Stackelberg game and equilibriums are exploited. Numerical results are presented to verify the proposed scheme. The impact of different system parameters is investigated and compared through simulations.
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Received: 2017/04/6 | Accepted: 2016/06/1 | Published: 2017/08/5

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